Restless Peregrine

per·e·grine (pr-grn, -grn) adj. Foreign; alien. Roving or wandering; migratory; tending to travel and change settlements frequently.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Taeri Gorge Train Ride

Before our departure, while I was busy having
my neck repaired, my intrepid travel companions
were gathering a feast at the farmer's market.
In this picture, Marieke (l) and Jason, two other
PhD candidates from the anthro department,
unwrap an assortment of cheeses. New Zealand,
July 25, 2009.

Ewa (l), a PhD in Nutrition, and Tiffany (r), another
anthro PhD, giggle about the 'Blue Sheep' cheese
(bottom right). Also on the table, amazing kumara
and pumpkin hummus - yummy! New Zealand,
July 25, 2009.

Crossing the old viaduct over the gorge. This
train has been running since Gold Rush days,
when Dunedin was the biggest city in the country.
New Zealand, July 25, 2009.

Sunset over the end of the gorge. New Zealand,
July 25, 2009.
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