Restless Peregrine

per·e·grine (pr-grn, -grn) adj. Foreign; alien. Roving or wandering; migratory; tending to travel and change settlements frequently.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Swine Flu Mary?

After a week of feeling not totally miserable, but not totally well, I am definitely on the mend. I can now turn my head in every direction (and two of those without pain!), walk to campus without feeling like an elephant is camped out on my chest, and sleep through the night. I'm still coughing intermittently, but not with nearly the severity of earlier in the week. I feel the spring returning (ever so slowly) to my step, and motivation for things other than endless DVDs under the covers of my bed along with it. In fact, I was feeling so much better last night that I actually washed those covers before crawling back under them, something which certainly couldn't have hurt my recovery process. There is nothing like the crispness of fresh sheets still warm from the drier (a drier! such a treat!!) to make a person feel better.

Unfortunately, now my advisor has it. He called this morning to postpone a meeting we were set to have with the university administration because he's in bed with a fever of almost 40C, coughing away. Poor man. Now it's entirely possible that, considering I never had much of a fever (about a degree and a half, for about an hour one evening), he didn't get his bug from me. There are certainly lots of people around who are sick. On the other hand, he was the only one in the department (Sue aside, and she's successfully fought off her own bug already which was much milder than mine) who was close to me on the day that I was at my worst. Knowing I'm in Dunedin alone, he came to volunteer his assistance if I needed it. That's what you get for being nice in flu season! I repeat, poor man!