Restless Peregrine

per·e·grine (pr-grn, -grn) adj. Foreign; alien. Roving or wandering; migratory; tending to travel and change settlements frequently.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Baaaaaaaad Day

This poor wee lamb somehow managed to get
her head stuck through a square of a barbed
wire fence (out of plain sight, meaning she was
there for quite a while, judging by the muddy
groove she'd managed to dig in the ground around
her). A couple of fellow anthropology students
and I found her while sight-seeing on the Otago
Peninsula. A lot of soothing, pushing, bending,
knocking on doors, and eventually wire-cutting
later and she was free. Yippee! Dunedin,
New Zealand, July 18, 2009.
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