Restless Peregrine

per·e·grine (pr-grn, -grn) adj. Foreign; alien. Roving or wandering; migratory; tending to travel and change settlements frequently.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Knife Skills

A few years ago we splurged with some Christmas money on a set of decent knives.  Heaven!  Those blades went through Anything.  But over time, through constant use and lack of care, they became just as dull as every other knife I'd ever used.  Painfully dull.  I tried to sharpen them myself, but just ended up nicking up the blades.  Sharpening knives is not as easy as they make it look on Masterchef!  So the other evening over dinner with a Korean friend, we were lamenting the lack of the kind of knife-sharpening store found in North America and the woman said 'It's too bad you never see the knife-sharpening truck anymore.  It used to drive around the neighbourhood with its loudspeaker on and people would bring out their knives and he'd sharpen them, but they're never around now.'  And voila!  Not two weeks later we were going out for an afternoon walk and there it was - the knife sharpening truck!  If only everything we wished for out loud would materialize so conveniently!
Busan, Korea, September 21, 2014