Restless Peregrine

per·e·grine (pr-grn, -grn) adj. Foreign; alien. Roving or wandering; migratory; tending to travel and change settlements frequently.

Saturday, September 06, 2014

The Daunt Waterway

The Daunt Waterway is in the middle of the UN Memorial Cemetery, between the area where the graves are and a large park-like green space.  It is meant to represent the thin line between life and death.  Although it's quite narrow, the water is impeccably clean and has a beautiful school of ornamental goldfish that swim the length of it - perhaps a couple of hundred meters altogether.  It is named for the youngest soldier buried in the cemetery - a 17 year old Australian named J.P. Daunt who was killed in the Korean War on November 6, 1951.  This isn't a fabulous picture of it, but every time I'm in the cemetery I am moved by what it represents, and also by the fact that it was designed and built by an extracurricular student group from one of Busan's universities.  Makes me shake my head to think that J.P. Daunt was probably not even old enough to go to university when he died, although he still managed to go half way around the world to fight a war.  How many young people like him have there been throughout history?
Busan, Korea, August 30, 2014