Restless Peregrine

per·e·grine (pr-grn, -grn) adj. Foreign; alien. Roving or wandering; migratory; tending to travel and change settlements frequently.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Happy 8th Anniversary!

When I first moved to Korea, I thought that deok (sticky
rice cakes) were completely disgusting. The texture was
unlike anything I'd ever had before (ooey, gooey, ghastly),
and I didn't think they tasted like much of anything to make
up for that unpleasantness. Now however (and for many
years now), I ADORE deok. I love how simultaneously
silky soft and chewy they are, how the various fillings
contrast with the outside in taste and texture, and the sheer
enormous variety that exists. I appreciate the artistry
that goes into each piece, and the creative combinations
unique to each particular vendor. And I love that although
sweet, they are not TOO sweet, so their ricey heft doesn't
sit too heavily in your stomach. But not all deok are created
equal. The cake in the picture is from my FAVOURITE
'deok jip' (rice cake house), on the other side of the city from
my home. It's run by a young couple who make everything
themselves, and run the shop, and make the deliveries. Each
of the 8 layers was made of a different kind of deok, all
individually wrapped for freshness, so as you peeled things off
the top you exposed something new underneath. Wonderful!
Changwon, South Korea, April 30, 2011.
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