Restless Peregrine

per·e·grine (pr-grn, -grn) adj. Foreign; alien. Roving or wandering; migratory; tending to travel and change settlements frequently.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yangzhou Bird and Flower Market

One of my favorite things to do in any city in
China is visit the local Bird and Flower market.
Invariably in cool little parks, these markets
typically sell all kinds of animals, not just birds,
in addition to flowers so beautiful they'd be the
envy of any florist the world over. The Yangzhou
Bird and Flower market is not very big, but it
is full of all of the charm and wonder of markets
throughout the country. Such a challenge not to
take EVERYTHING home!! February 2009.

How many rodents can one person get in one

'Hui Chiezi'! (The Chinese equivalent of 'Say
Cheese!'...roughly translated as 'speak eggplant').

Is it my imagination, or does kitty
look like maybe he's been sampling
some of the local fare???
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